The 'extern' keyword in 'C' is equivalent to EXTERN in some assemblers; there is no equivalent of PUBLIC - because all file-scope symbols are automatically "public" unless specified otherwise. As already noted, this is standard 'C' stuff - nothing specifically to do with ARM and Keil - so any decent 'C' textbook should help.


using-directives and using-declarations (excluding class scope or function scope using-declarations) shall not be used in header files. Code Smell 

31, 2. Join Date: Jan 2011. Last Activity: 18 September 2013, 8:30 PM EDT. Posts: 31 Thanks Given: 10. Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts C header file and extern.

Extern in c header file

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Extern can be used access variables across C files. Extern is a keyword in C programming language which is used to declare a global variable that is a variable without any memory assigned to it. It is used to declare variables and functions in header files. Extern can be used access variables across C files.

Similarly the STR constant 'C_header' may be used to specify a list of C header files that should be included in each file in which the C declaration appears. Referencing C header files. When you use an extern definition on its own as in the examples above, Pyrex includes a  C functions and variables also need to be declared with the extern "C" directive, so that the names aren't mangled.

Created April 24, 2015 09:30 In a C++ project including C header inside of an extern "C" block is not recognized in the editor. The code compiles just fine, but all of the code using the symbols in those header files show as error. Also the editor will give the option …

Imagine you have a hundred files that use this global variable (one). The extern must be applied to all declarations in all files. (Global const variables have internal linkage by default.) extern "C" specifies that the function is defined elsewhere and uses the C-language calling convention.

Extern in c header file

4 NeXus Utility (NXU) Application Program Interface Header File. 5 34 extern "C" { 37 extern NXstatus NXUwriteglobals(NXhandle file_id, const char* user, 

// This is C++ code extern "C" { // Get declaration for f(int i, char c, float x ) If so, you should not enclose the header in extern "C" brackets. You can declare function print in a header file that is shared by C and C++ code: Copy.

Extern in c header file

If you want to make a header suitable for both C and C++ compilers, you could put all the declarations inside extern "C" brackets, but the C compiler does not recognize the syntax. 2016-10-31 Include the header file glob2.h in every C program file (You should have done this already to declare the functions!!!
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In response to your edit: If you are using a C++ compiler, and you declare a function as extern "C" in the header file, you do not need to also declare that function as extern "C" in the implementation file.

Last Activity: 18 September 2013, 8:30 PM EDT. Posts: 31 Thanks Given: 10.
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Although there are other ways of doing it, the clean, reliable way to declare and define global variables is to use a header file file3.h to contain an extern declaration of the variable. The header is included by the one source file that defines the variable and by all the source files that reference the variable.

16 #ifndef 46 extern boolean gvjobs_output_langname(GVC_t * gvc, const char *name);.